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For Young Adults

20-30% of young adults will experience a significant loss during college or during their young adult years. You are not alone, and there are supports available for you during these difficult times. The KCGCF and several campus partners are launching an in-person group for UK students, and there are online group options for young adults anywhere in Kentucky. Read on for the resources that can help bring you support and connection.

For mental health emergencies, Call or text 988 for the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Kentucky calls/texts will be answered 24/7 at a community mental health center.

For University of Kentucky Students

LINC - Loss Inspiring New Connections

Are you a UK student who has experienced a death loss and is interested in participating in LINC (Loss Inspiring New Connections)? Here’s some more information to see if LINC is right for you! Learn more below and fill out this form if you are interested in joining.

What is LINC and who is it for?

  • LINC is a peer-led grief support program that is now being offered to all University of Kentucky students after it was spearheaded and piloted in UK Athletics by UK football player JJ Weaver. The program focuses on processing grief and loss and creating a community. The group will include up to 15 fellow Wildcats who have been through similar experiences of losing someone. Loss can happen in many different ways and nobody has the same experience. But this program will help you feel less alone as you see how loss can connect you deeply to others–NOT just set you apart.

  • LINC is best suited for individuals who are more than six months out from a major death loss and are ready to actively work on processing their feelings. We are looking for individuals who will be committed to attending all 8 meetings to benefit themselves as well as to be available to support their peers.

  • LINC is a collaboration between TRACS, the Center for Student Support and Intervention, the department of Community and Leadership Development, and the Kentucky Center for Grieving Children and Families. The program is being generously supported by UK Women in Philanthropy.

How will LINC work?

  • This is an 8-week program that will meet weekly throughout the fall semester (excluding fall break). Each 1.5 hour meeting will be focused on a different aspect of loss and accompanying coping skills and tools. The goal of this group is to cultivate a safe space and non-judgemental community to speak about struggles of loss while uplifting and connecting with others.

  • One or more students with loss experience will co-lead the group, and there will be a licensed mental health professional present for additional safety and support.

  • A meal will be provided at every meeting so students can focus on relaxing, looking inwards, learning skills, and connecting.

Is this just group therapy?

  • Nope! LINC is centered around building community and support around loss. While it does teach coping strategies to process grief, it is NOT therapy. The program will be facilitated by a trained peer mentor and a licensed mental health professional.

I have a busy schedule during the semester…How will I be able to make this work?

  • The number one focus for this program is to make sure that those who need support WILL receive it! Group meeting times will be set to accommodate as many student schedules as possible. Interested students will be polled to determine what times/days work best for them.

What happens if I can’t attend all 8 weeks?

  • We are looking for individuals who will be committed to attending all 8 meetings to benefit themselves as well as to be available to support their peers. While we understand that life happens and things will come up, please make every effort to attend. This will help you to make the most of this experience! We will do our best to accommodate complicated schedules/situations.

What next?

  • Join LINC! Please fill out this form to participate.

  • If your loss is recent or you are currently struggling with significant mental health issues, please reach out to the following resources to get individual help.

Share the LINC

Share this flyer about the UK LINC group with anyone you know who may benefit from this on-campus grief support option.

  • T.R.A.C.S: The Triage, Referral, Assistance, and Crisis Support Program is a comprehensive initiative designed to provide immediate support and effective intervention for individuals experiencing various forms of mental health issues and/or crisis. Our program ensures that individuals in distress receive timely and appropriate care, bridging the gap between immediate needs and long-term solutions. We are the gateway for referrals to the UK Counseling Center and make referrals to other on/off campus resources).​​

  • UK Office of Student Success

  • Neighborhood Healers: The Neighborhood Healers Clinic is a mental health service for Black clients and training clinic for mental health trainees interested in learning culturally affirming, high quality care for the Black community.

    • Contact the clinic here

University of Kentucky
Student Resources
  • Want an online grief support group? LoKate is a free facilitated online group for young adults ages 18-30. Learn more here.

  • Neighborhood Healers: The Neighborhood Healers Clinic is a mental health service for Black clients and training clinic for mental health trainees interested in learning culturally affirming, high quality care for the Black community.

    • Contact the clinic here

Resources for Young Adults in Lexington/Central Kentucky
  • Want an online grief support group? LoKate is a free facilitated online group for young adults ages 18-30. Learn more here.

Resources for Young Adults Anywhere in Kentucky

Databases to Find a Counselor

Copyright © The Kentucky Center for Grieving Children and Families, Inc. - All rights reserved.

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